Cambodian Culture vs. Western Culture: 10 Key Differences

This blog is about understanding the cultural differences between Cambodian culture (Asian culture) and Western culture in resolving ethical dilemmas in social work per the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) code. Remember, and are two best homework help websites for college students.

A Summary of the Differences between Cambodian Culture and Western Culture

AspectCambodian CultureWestern Culture
Family as the Primary UnitPrioritizes strong family tiesEmphasizes individualism
Family Solidarity and ResponsibilityStresses family harmonyHighlights individual self-fulfillment
Dependence on FamilyEncourages family dependencePromotes early independence
Hierarchical Family Roles and Ascribed StatusEmphasizes ascribed rolesFeatures variable roles and achieved status
Parent-Child BondEmphasizes parent-child bondHighlights husband-wife bond
Parental Authority and ObedienceExpects obedience to parentsEncourages guidance and critical thinking
Family Decision-MakingDecisions made collectivelyEmphasizes individual choices
Children as ExtensionsBelieves children are extensions of parentsViews children as individuals
Parental InquiryAsks, “What can you do to help me?”Asks, “What can I do to help you?”
Responsibility for Siblings’ ActionsOlder children often responsible for younger siblingsGreater emphasis on individual responsibility

Cultural competence is an indispensable skill for social workers as it enables them to effectively engage with clients from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that services are provided in a culturally sensitive and responsive manner. In the context of foster care agencies, understanding and respecting the cultural differences between Asians and Western (Eurocentric) family values is paramount.

This knowledge allows agencies to provide tailored support, acknowledging the unique values, family dynamics, and worldviews that may influence the well-being and placement of children in foster care. Cambodian culture differs significantly from Western culture (Eurocentric) in terms of family structures, hierarchical roles, and collectivistic values, necessitating a culturally competent approach to ensure the best interests of children in the foster care system are upheld while respecting and honoring their cultural backgrounds.

What is cultural competence from a social work perspective?

Social workers’ critical awareness regarding the socio-political context, through constant reflection of their stances regarding the social and cultural reality within which they operate, power relations in society, and how this may affect and shape their professional practice (p. 2).1

Nouman (2019)

An array of behaviours, skills, attitudes and policies integrated in a system, agency or amongst professionals that enable them to work effectively in crosscultural situations (p. 6).

Nouman (2019)

In recent decades, a pivotal evolution within the social work profession has revolved around enhancing social workers’ cultural competence, with a focus on improving their effectiveness in cross-cultural interactions. This advancement stems from the acknowledgment of cultural disparities between social workers and their clients, carrying potential ramifications for professional practice.

Differences between Cambodian Culture and Western Culture

  1. Family as the Primary Unit:
    • In Cambodian culture, the family is considered the primary unit of society, with strong family ties. In contrast, Eurocentric culture prioritizes individualism.
    • Example: In therapy, a Cambodian client may seek guidance on a major life decision that affects their family’s well-being, such as marriage or career choice. A Eurocentric client, on the other hand, may prioritize personal happiness and individual goals, even if they conflict with family expectations.
  2. Family Solidarity and Responsibility vs. Individual Pursuit:
    • Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) emphasize family solidarity, responsibility, and harmony, whereas Eurocentric cultures emphasize individual pursuit of happiness and self-fulfillment.
    • Example: An Asian individual may struggle with feelings of guilt and conflict when their personal aspirations clash with their family’s expectations. A Eurocentric individual might seek therapy to overcome personal obstacles or improve individual well-being, focusing less on familial implications.
  3. Dependence on Family vs. Independence:
    • Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) tend to foster continued dependence on the family, even into adulthood, while independence is encouraged early in Eurocentric cultures.
    • Example: A young Cambodian client may be anxious about leaving their family home to live independently, causing considerable stress and tension within the family. A young Eurocentric client might see moving out as a natural step toward adulthood.
  4. Hierarchical Family Roles and Ascribed Status vs. Variable Roles and Achieved Status:
    • Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) often have a hierarchical family structure with ascribed status. In contrast, Eurocentric cultures have more variable roles and emphasize achieved status.
    • Example: In family therapy, a Cambodian client may struggle with parental expectations tied to their age and role within the family. A Eurocentric client may express concerns about achieving personal success and recognition, regardless of their age or familial status.
  5. Parent-Child Bond vs. Husband-Wife Bond:
    • Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) emphasize the parent-child bond, while Eurocentric cultures emphasize the husband-wife or marital bond.
    • Example: In couples therapy, a Cambodian couple may find it challenging to adjust to more egalitarian husband-wife roles, leading to power struggles. A Eurocentric couple might focus on communication and equality within their partnership.
  6. Parental Authority and Obedience vs. Guidance and Critical Thinking:
    • In Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) , parents are expected to provide clear authority, and children are expected to show unquestioning obedience. In the United States, parents often take on the role of providing guidance and encouraging critical thinking.
    • Example: In child therapy, a Cambodian child may struggle with school-related stress due to high parental expectations and authority. A Eurocentric child might express concerns about understanding their own goals and making decisions independently.
  7. Family Decision-Making vs. Individual Choices:
    • Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) often make decisions collectively within the family. In the United States, individuals, including children, are encouraged to make their own choices.
    • Example: A therapy session with a Cambodian family might involve discussions about significant life decisions, such as where to live or what career path to pursue. A Eurocentric family might focus on empowering individual family members to make their own choices.
  8. Children as Extensions vs. Children as Individuals:
    • In Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) , there is a strong belief that children are extensions of their parents. In the United States, children are viewed as individuals.
    • Example: A Cambodian parent may be deeply concerned about their child’s behavior reflecting poorly on the family’s reputation, while a Eurocentric parent may prioritize nurturing the child’s individuality and self-expression.
  9. Parental Inquiry – “What can you do to help me?” vs. “What can I do to help you?”:
    • In Asian cultures (Cambodian cultures) , parents typically expect their children to contribute to the family’s well-being. In the United States, parents often prioritize the needs and aspirations of their children.
    • Example: In family therapy, a Cambodian parent may express frustration that their child’s behavior is not aligning with the family’s well-being, asking, “What can you do to help me behave better?” A Eurocentric parent might be more inclined to ask, “What can I do to help you cope with your behavior?”
  10. Responsibility for Siblings’ Actions vs. Individual Responsibility:
    • In many (Cambodian cultures) Asian cultures, older children are often responsible for the actions and well-being of their younger siblings. In the United States, there is a greater emphasis on individual responsibility.
    • Example: In therapy with a Cambodian family, an older sibling might feel an immense burden of responsibility for their younger siblings’ behavior and academic success. In contrast, a Eurocentric family might place more emphasis on individual accountability.

Benefits of cultural competence in social work

Cultural competence in social work is the ability to effectively engage with and provide services to people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It involves understanding and respecting people’s cultural values, beliefs, and practices.

There are many benefits of cultural competence in social work, including:

Improved client outcomes

Culturally competent social workers are better able to build rapport with clients, assess their needs, and develop effective interventions. This can lead to improved client outcomes, such as increased satisfaction with services, better adherence to treatment plans, and reduced recidivism rates.

Reduced barriers to care

Culturally competent social workers can help to reduce barriers to care for clients from diverse backgrounds. This may include providing language interpretation services, addressing cultural taboos, and accommodating religious beliefs.

Increased client trust

Culturally competent social workers are more likely to be trusted by clients from diverse backgrounds. This is because clients feel that they are understood and respected by their social workers.

More effective advocacy

Culturally competent social workers are more effective advocates for clients from diverse backgrounds. They are able to communicate the needs of their clients to policymakers and other stakeholders in a way that is culturally sensitive and persuasive.

A more diverse workforce

Cultural competence in social work helps to promote a more diverse workforce. This is because it encourages social workers to learn about and appreciate different cultures. It also creates a more welcoming and inclusive environment for social workers from diverse backgrounds.

Frequently asked questions about the differences between Asian (Cambodian Culture) and Eurocentric (Western) family values

What is Cultural Competence?

A: Cultural competence in social work refers to the ability to effectively engage with individuals and families from diverse cultural backgrounds, understanding their values, beliefs, and experiences, and providing services that respect and respond to these cultural differences.

Why is Cultural Competence Important in Social Work?

A: Cultural competence is vital for social workers because it ensures that services are provided in a respectful and sensitive manner, which is essential for building trust, effective communication, and positive outcomes with clients from diverse backgrounds.

How Can Social Workers Develop Cultural Competence?

A: Social workers can develop cultural competence by seeking ongoing education, training, and self-awareness, actively engaging with diverse communities, and constantly reflecting on their own cultural biases and assumptions.

What Role Does Cultural Competence Play in Assessment and Diagnosis?

A: Cultural competence is critical in ensuring that assessments and diagnoses consider cultural factors that may influence a client’s well-being, mental health, and overall needs, leading to more accurate and culturally responsive intervention plans.

Why is It Important for Foster Care Agencies to Understand Cultural Differences?

A: Foster care agencies need to understand cultural differences to provide appropriate and respectful care for children and families. This knowledge helps in placing children in culturally sensitive environments and ensures that the needs and values of both children and parents are respected.

How Does Cultural Competence Impact Foster Care Placements?

A: Cultural competence in foster care ensures that children are placed in homes that respect and celebrate their cultural backgrounds. This leads to better psychological and emotional well-being for the children in care.

What Are Some Common Cultural Differences Between Asian and Western Cultures?

A: Certainly. Common differences include concepts of family, collectivism vs. individualism, attitudes toward authority, and the role of tradition in daily life.

How Can Social Workers Support Clients Navigating Cultural Differences?

A: Social workers can support clients by actively listening, validating their experiences, providing culturally appropriate resources, and helping them develop skills for cross-cultural communication and adaptation.

What Ethical Considerations Are Relevant in Cross-Cultural Social Work?

A: Yes, ethical considerations include respecting cultural values, ensuring informed consent, maintaining client autonomy, and advocating for social justice and equity within diverse communities.

How Can Cultural Competence Improve Outcomes in Social Work Practice?

A: Cultural competence can lead to improved client engagement, more accurate assessments, better rapport, increased client satisfaction, and ultimately, more effective intervention and support.

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  1. Nouman, H. (2019). Between majority and minority: A model for understanding and promoting culturally competent policy practice in multicultural societies. The British Journal of Social Work50(2), 506-524. ↩︎

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Antony Lawrence. (2024, April 8). Cambodian Culture vs. Western Culture: 10 Key Differences. Retrieved from

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