The origin of Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza – a summary essay


The Israel-Hamas conflict is a long-standing and deeply complex issue that has its roots in historical events dating back over a century. The conflict has evolved, with both sides experiencing numerous wars, skirmishes, and political changes. The most recent phase of this ongoing struggle involves Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist organization that controls the Gaza Strip, and Israel. As of 2023, this conflict remains active, continuing to have a profound impact on the region and beyond. In this essay, we will delve into the historical background of the Israel-Hamas conflict, examining its key developments and the implications it holds for the present, with a specific focus on its effect on the global oil industry.

Historical Roots of the Conflict

The roots of the Israel-Hamas conflict can be traced back to the late 19th century when Jewish migration to the Ottoman Empire began. The rise of Zionism, a movement advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland, further complicated the situation. The British government’s Balfour Declaration in 1917, which supported the idea of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, escalated tensions between Jewish and Arab communities. The United Nations’ 1947 decision to partition the British Mandate of Palestine into two states – one Jewish, one Arab – led to widespread disagreement and resistance from both Palestinians and neighboring Arab nations. These historical factors set the stage for the ongoing conflict.

The Nakba and the 1948 War

The conflict culminated in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, following Israel’s declaration of independence. This war resulted in an armistice agreement in 1949, which established new de facto borders. These borders gave Israel considerably more territory than it was allocated under the UN partition plan. However, about 700,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled their homes during the war, constituting approximately 85% of the Arab population in the territory captured by Israel. Palestinians refer to this mass exodus and the erasure of much of their society in Israel as the Nakba, or “catastrophe.” This event remains a traumatic chapter in Palestinian history and has played a significant role in shaping the ongoing conflict.

The Role of Hamas

Hamas, an Islamist Palestinian organization founded in 1987 during the First Intifada, has emerged as a central player in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The group’s charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamic state. Over the years, Hamas has evolved to become both a political party and a militant organization. It has been responsible for launching thousands of rockets against Israel and its occupied territories, leading to casualties among both Palestinians and Israelis. Hamas’s control of the Gaza Strip has added complexity to the ongoing conflict.

Impact on the Global Oil Industry

The Israel-Hamas conflict, as of 2023, has extended its influence to the global oil industry. The instability in the region, particularly the escalating violence, has resulted in the shutdown of oil fields in Israel. This development has raised concerns about the security of oil infrastructure in the area. Moreover, the immediate impact on oil markets has been evident, with Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate Crude prices experiencing notable increases. The potential for further disruption in oil supplies could have serious implications for energy security on a global scale.

The History

Historical Disputes: The historical backdrop of the conflict is marked by competing claims to the same land. Both Israelis and Palestinians have deep historical and religious connections to the region. For Jews, the land of Israel holds immense historical and religious significance as the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. Their quest for self-determination and a Jewish state was realized with the establishment of Israel in 1948. On the other hand, Palestinians trace their roots to the same territory and have lived in the region for generations. The displacement and suffering experienced by Palestinian Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which led to the creation of Israel, continue to be a source of grievance. This historical narrative, compounded by the failure to resolve competing territorial claims, fuels the ongoing conflict.

Territorial Disputes: Control over territory is at the heart of the Israel-Hamas conflict. The question of borders, particularly with regard to the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, has been a major point of contention. Israel’s occupation of these territories, established during the 1967 Six-Day War, has drawn international criticism and Palestinian resistance. The construction of Israeli settlements in these areas further complicates efforts to reach a peaceful resolution. Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip, governed by Hamas, has been under an Israeli blockade since 2007. The ongoing dispute over land, resources, and sovereignty creates a hostile environment that contributes to the ongoing conflict.

Security Concerns and Violence: The conflict is perpetuated by security concerns and violence on both sides. Israel cites security as a primary reason for its actions, given the history of violence, including rocket attacks, bombings, and other acts of terrorism. Hamas, considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, and the European Union, has used violence as a means to achieve its objectives. The cycle of violence and counter-violence perpetuates animosities and further divides the parties. The lack of trust and security concerns make it challenging to reach a comprehensive peace agreement, and incidents of violence continue to undermine efforts toward a peaceful resolution.


In conclusion, the Israel-Hamas conflict is a protracted and deeply entrenched struggle with historical roots dating back over a century. The conflict has evolved through wars and political changes, with Hamas playing a central role in the recent phases of the ongoing struggle. As of 2023, the conflict has expanded its impact to the global oil industry, further underlining its regional and international significance. The historical complexities and evolving dynamics of this conflict continue to make it a matter of paramount importance, affecting not only the lives of those directly involved but also global stability and economic systems. Understanding its historical backdrop and current implications is crucial for comprehending the complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict and its multifaceted impact.

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Antony Lawrence. (2023, October 24). The origin of Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza – a summary essay. Retrieved from

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